9 Holiday Toy Ideas from an Occupational Therapist
A few days back, we did a post on social media on how to select an appropriate toy for your child. With Christmas approaching, we thought this would...
7+ Sensory Activities To Do At Home
Sensory Activities are activities that stimulates your child's five sense, namely sense of smell, touch, sight, hearing and listening. In...
9 Halloween Activities To Improve Motor Skills
Fall is here, and so it Halloween. Halloween is such a fun time of the year. Kids are excited and when kids are excited, they are more open to...
7 Activities to Improve Balance in Kids
When you think about balance, the role that ears play may be what most parents think helps their child with balance. But the ears aren't the only...
Why is routine important for a child and how to create one
Bedtime tantrums are very common in most homes. Children don't want to sleep. They also don't want to sit down for lunch or take a bath. When it...
7 Ways Parents Can Help With Speech Therapy
Having your child say his first words is one of the biggest wonders of being a parent. Some kids pick up words faster than others. As a parent, you...
Simple Activities To Do With Kids At Home
In times we are without little or sometimes no outside activities. With all the chores, the added energy spikes and the frustration of managing too...
Infant Massage
Are you looking for ways to connect with your young baby that is both meaningful and fun? Infant massage is a great way to connect with your child...
What to Expect When an Infant Begins to Communicate 0-6 months
Even though young infants don’t speak to us with words, they typically begin to communicate as soon as they are born! How do they communicate? They...
JLD Cares
A few years ago I was invited to attend a Mary Kay party by a parent of one of the kids I see in my clinic, so I decided to go. I had a fun time at...